Patching & Remodeling with Reclaimed Wood
Are you remodeling or adding on to an older house? Do you have hardwood floors? Did you know that you will have the closest, most seemless match by using reclaimed hardwood flooring.
The Lighter wood is the new wood. Due to its higher moisture content, it didn’t take the stain the way older, drier wood does.
The biggest difference between new hardwood flooring and reclaimed hardwood flooring is the moisture content. New wood has more moisture than its older counterpart. The reduced moisture content of reclaimed wood is one of its greatest perks, becuase it makes it so stable… basically it won’t shrink any further. New wood will continue shrinking over the years.
Another benefit of using reclaimed flooring to patch-in or add-on to an older floor is that the stain will look similar over the various boards. The similar moisture contents will allow an even and blended absorbance of stain. This will give the illusion that there isn’t a patch after all!
The below pictures show the renovation process of an old farmhouse Oak floor. They were in terrible shape from rot, and had been covered with lineoleum for years. The ‘second generation’ crews at Specialty Hardwood knew exactly what to do. They identified all of the problem planks, shored up the subfloor, replaced with our reclaimed Roaring Boom Oak Flooring, sanded and finished with Duraseal Antique Brown stain and a Duraseal Oil-based polyurethane for extra protection.